6 Ways A Virtual Assistant Can Help During The Holidays…

With Thanksgiving now over, the month of December is quickly going to turn into a blur. Between family functions, holiday shopping and traveling this can be a hectic time for most. And if you’re a business owner, the stress can multiply.

Here are 6 ways a VA can help you during the holidays so you can enjoy time with your family and friends:

1.Christmas Cards/ Thank You Cards

This is the perfect time of year to thank your clients! Yet, picking the perfect Christmas card can be time consuming.  Let a VA find the cards and send them for you. With sites like Shutterfly, a VA can send you a few samples to view. You pick the card and then the VA can mail it out for you. If you’re going for a more old fashioned approach, your VA can hand write cards to your clients and send those also.

2. Social Media Management

Keeping up with each Social Media site is a chore all by itself. Add a dose of the Holidays in and you can quickly get in over your head. Let a VA take care of the Holiday posts; Christmas, After Christmas Sales, New Year Extravaganza etc.

3. Email Management

Most busy professionals know how the holidays can put a damper in your communication with clients or potential clients. Let an assistant manage your email. You can spend time relaxing with your family knowing that your clients are being answered and those interested in your services are getting the information they need.

4. Travel Arrangements

With so many deals during the holidays it can get overwhelming. Finding the best bang for your buck can take time. Let a VA find the best flight, hotel or rental car for you. It’s Friday, December 2nd and you need a flight for Friday December 23rd, don’t stress…a VA will find the best flight deal to get you to your Mom’s just in time for Saint Nick.

5. Gift Buying

If you love shopping, then sites like Amazon can suck you in. Before you know it you’ve spent 5 hours searching for the perfect gift for your picky Sister-In-Law when you should be implementing a Holiday marketing plan for your business. Let your VA find that perfect gift!  Worried about handing out your credit card info? Then don’t (seriously, don’t)! Amazon allows you to set up your own account and put in your CC info without sharing it with others. Your VA can save items in your cart and you click the “purchase now” button.

6. Preparing for Tax Season

Yes, I’ve saved the worst for last. No one likes talking about taxes, right? Let your VA help you get organized for the visit with your CPA. They can generate a year end report, reconcile all holiday expenses, organize business receipts etc. All the fun stuff you really (don’t) want to do.

There are so many more ways a VA can help you during the Holiday season. And who knows? You may find them so helpful you can’t live without one again!

Enjoy the Holidays…You deserve it!

Stephanie McIntosh offers virtual support to busy small business professionals. You can find out more at http://www.virtualmcintosh.com or send her an email at Stephanie@virtualmcintosh.com


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